September 16, 2010

"Magic" Moment # 1: GATORADE?

So we're driving.  The boys and I.  And it's a beautiful day, for our neck of the woods.  Bright, sunny, my oldest has the Beach Boys playing on the car speakers.  Just cruisin' home and my middle dude calls out over Wish they all could be Californian...

"IS THIS GATORADE?"   I yell back, "I DON'T KNOW," as there are a plethora of things in the car whose origins I know nothing about.  That's when Soda, the youngest, yells out, "NO, IT'S PEE!"

This exchange all taking place, mind you, at the top of our lungs over: ...wish they all could be Californian girrrrrllllssss...while I'm still driving.  Do I think much of it?  No, of course not, Soda thinks it's hilarious to drop this, his favorite word, into any conversation.  But then it dawns on me: Soda had been playing in the car for a mysterious amount of time yesterday...and a couple weeks ago, I caught him using a funnel he had found to facilitate his stream into the toilet...DANG IT TO ALL HECK!!!  Now, what to do.  I did what any mother of my generation would do...

 I checked the thermos to see if it was recyclable -- which it was -- emptied it's contents in the dirt...

Trotted it out to the Recyclables garbage can, went back into the house and  began to expound to Soda why we do not pee in a soccer thermos, put the lid back on and leave it in the car.  Ahhhhh, the magic moments!  It's what life's all about...right?


  1. You're such a great storyteller! Crazy boys! That's hilarious...and disgusting. :-)

  2. Disgusting is right! You'd never believe it would have happened without the photographic evidence!
