May 11, 2011


You've probably noticed it has been a LITTLE while since I have posted--ANYTHING.  It just so happens we took the fam to Italy for a few weeks via Venice, Siena and Rome.  You might be thinking...

"Wow Italy..."

"wow three weeks..."

Uhhh...That was a month and a half ago! 

 And thus we learned a very important lesson...after the vaporetto (water taxi) rides past...

beautiful things like this ...

making chalk outlines Indiana Jones style of ancient Christian monoliths...

on a Venetian island like Torcello where the people of Venice fled when Attila the Hun attacked...

After sunset walks along the Grand Canale...

walks that sometimes take you forty five minutes down unmarked streets...

until you finally find it -- DINNER (pant) PER FAVORE...the trattoria (mom and pops joint) your wonderful knight has picked out and enjoy the pleasures of Venice cuisine -- wonderfully grilled seafood and pasta black with squid ink!  

After all this-- but of course never during-- you realize that going forward probably won't be traveling to Italy on Spring break because when you come back you feel like it should be summer, but it's not and it take a month before the kids can bring themselves to practice piano or go to tutoring or before you can even face email again, let alone the computer!


the Good Food fairy